by Physioactive

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Enhance Employee Health and Productivity

Ensure your workforce remains healthy and productive by reducing work absence and improving overall well-being. With over 15 years of experience managing musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders at Physioactive, we are pleased to offer our specialized physiotherapy treatments directly at your business premises.

Why On-Site Physiotherapy Matters

Musculoskeletal problems are the leading cause of staff absence in the workplace. On-site physiotherapy is a proactive and efficient way to support your employees' health, leading to improved productivity and fewer sickness absences.
Μυοσκελετικές διαταραχές στις επαγγελματικές δραστηριότητες

The Impact: Key Statistics

In 2021/22, across Europe, approximately 7.3 million working days were lost due to MSK disorders, significantly affecting business operations. *

In the private sector, MSK injuries cost companies nearly €15 billion annually, with the number of individuals affected increasing each year. **

*Source: NHS Employers, “Musculoskeletal health in the workplace”
**Source: National Safety Council (NSC), “NSC Releases New Findings on Workplace Injury Prevention”

How On-Site Physiotherapy Can Benefit Your Business

Prioritize Employee Well-being for Business Success

Ensuring your team's health is fundamental to your business success. Accessible and preventative physiotherapy is valuable to both employees and employers, leading to reduced discomfort, fewer absences, and improved productivity.

If you are interested in enhancing your team's well-being and performance, please reach out to discuss how on-site physiotherapy can be tailored to your company's needs.
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94 Plapouta Avenue
Neo Iraklio, Athens

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